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Village Improvement Society plants flowers & tends gardens


The hanging flower baskets that adorn the lamp posts in downtown Saranac Lake are planted by VIS volunteers and sponsored by community donations. 


Flower barrel planters are sponsored by local merchants and the Village of Saranac Lake. VIS volunteers plant  and tend the cheerful summer annuals.  


The Garden at NBT Circle is located at Colby Corner along the Route 86 corridor across from NBT Bank. It's a small, triangle-shaped garden filled with colorful annual and perennial flowers. 

The Herb Garden is located at the end of Main Street, near the intersection with Pine St. It is planted with a variety of herbs and flowering plants. 


The Alpine Parking Lot Flower Plantings are located at the intersection of Broadway and Bloomingdale Avenues. Day-lilies are planted beneath a colorful mural and a raised planter near the sidewalk is filled with bright summer annuals. 


Veterans Memorials: VIS volunteers help maintain three memorials to Veterans 

  • The Veteran War Memorial Garden and Bandshell, located at River & Main Streets 

  • The World War I War Memorial and Star Garden, located at River & Church Streets

  •  The Vietnam and MIA Memorial Garden, located on Lake Flower Avenue near the tennis courts. 

Contact VIS: Use the Contact form  or message us via the Village Improvement Society's Facebook page

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